Pool Wizard Mineral Sanitizer

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Havuz - TÜRKÇE

Swimming pool calculators

Calculating the volume of a swimming pool.

Converting gallons to litres.

Converting litres to gallons.

Adding sodium bicarbonate to increase total alkalinity.

Adding hydrochloric/muriatic acid to reduce total alkalinity.

Adding dry acid (sodium bisulphate) to reduce total alkalinity.

Adding calcium chloride to increase calcium hardness.

Adding stabiliser (cyanuric acid).

Adding soda ash (sodium carbonate) to increase pH.



Find the shape of your swimming pool and fill in the measurements below it to calculate the volume of water the swimming pool holds.

 Square/ rectangular pools

Length metres
Width metres
Depth (deepest) metres
Depth (shallowest) metres

Volume ,000 litres

 Trapezoid pools

Length (short) metres
Length (long) metres
Width metres
Depth (deepest) metres
Depth (shallowest) metres

Volume ,000 litres

 Round pools

Length metres
Depth (deepest) metres
Depth (shallowest) metres

Volume ,000 litres

 Elliptic/ oval pools

Length metres
Width metres
Depth (deepest) metres
Depth (shallowest) metres

Volume ,000 litres

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To convert gallons to litres, enter the amount of gallons and choose which kind of gallons you are working with.

Enter volume in gallons

Volume is equal to litres or m3

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To convert litres to gallons, enter the volume in litres.

Enter volume in litres

U.S. gallons or
Imperial gallons

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TOTAL ALKALINITY : (80-120 ppm)

To calculate how much sodium bicarbonate your swimming pool requires to increase the total alkalinity, choose the increase you want and enter the volume of your pool.

Desired increase in total alkalinity

Volume of the pool ,000 litres

gr of sodium bicarbonate is required

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TOTAL ALKALINITY : (80-120 ppm)

To calculate how much hydrochloric acid (muriatic acid) your swimming pool requires to decrease the total alkalinity, choose the reduction you want and enter the volume of your swimming pool.

Desired reduction in total alkalinity

Volume of the pool ,000 litres

ml of (30%) hydrochloric acid is required

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TOTAL ALKALINITY : (80-120 ppm)

To calculate how much dry acid (sodium bisulphate) your swimming pool requires to decrease the total alkalinity, choose the reduction you want and enter the volume of your swimming pool.

Desired reduction in total alkalinity

Volume of the pool ,000 litres

gr of dry acid (sodium bisulphate) is required

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CALCIUM HARDNESS : (250-350 ppm)

To calculate how much calcium chloride your swimming pool requires to increase the calcium hardness, choose the increase you want and enter the volume of your swimming pool.

Desired increase in calcium hardness

Volume of the pool ,000 litres

gr of calcium chloride is required

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STABILISER : (30-80 ppm)

To calculate how much stabiliser (cyanuric acid) your swimming pool requires to increase the stabiliser level, choose the increase you want and enter the volume of your swimming pool.

Desired increase in stabiliser

Volume of the pool ,000 litres

gr of stabiliser (cyanuric acid) is required

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SODA ASH (pH 7.0-7.6)

To calculate how much soda ash (sodium carbonate) your swimming pool requires to increase the pH level, choose the increase you want and enter the volume of your swimming pool.

Desired increase in pH

Volume of the pool ,000 litres

gr of soda ash (sodium carbonate) is required

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 Pool Wizard mineral disinfection